28 September 2013

OOTD: rainy days

Sellistel päevadel, kus hommikul sillerdab päike ja mõtled,et teed paar outfiti pilti ja siis kui neid tegema lähed sajab vihma, ei meeldi mulle see sügis kohe üldse! Õnneks oli ikkagi üks vihmavaba, mitte just parima valgusega, kuid siiski vihmavaba hetk, kus sain vihasena paar pilti ära tehtud .

I hate these days when its sunny in the morning and I think it's a great idea to go outside to take some outfit photos and then being there , it suddenly startes to rain! Then all I can think is that Autumn sucks !! But luckily there was some moments when the rain stopped. The lighting wasn't great, but it didn't rain, witch was the best thing I could think of at that moment. So I got some shots and was quite pleased, not happy, just pleased with that . 

must kleit / black dress Vero Moda
kampsun / sweater H&M
nahktagi / leather jacket  Vero Moda
saapad / boots Second Hand 
käekott / handbag GinaTricot
sall / scarf  Second Hand
käekett / bracelet H&M 

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